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Building a Better Burnside - Kensington Gardens Reserve - New Paths, Fitness Stations and Bridges

Updated: Jul 3, 2020

A state government grant in the amount of $850,000 will be spent primarily on upgrading the internal access throughout the reserve which has not previously catered for disabled access and ease of movement for small children and our older residents within the reserve. New bridges, a walking running path, fitness stations, and a Kaurna cultural walk are amongst some of the improvements that will be delivered.

The new 1.7km shared walking/running track will provide recreational walking and fitness opportunities for the community at all times as well as the installation of two new bridges that will link the looped track. Within the reserve there will be new fitness stations which have proven to be very popular in other parks and reserves.

I would like to thank Vickie Chapman the Member for Bragg for her continued support of the Kensington Gardens Reserve.

The upgrade will include:

  • Installation of a 1.7km shared walking/running track, providing recreational walking/fitness opportunities for the community at all times

  • Two additional bridges to enable the walking track to be installed (currently no track exists)

  • Installation of disability accessible board walk over the wetlands

  • Installation of fitness stations, around the parkrun/walking circuit

  • Expansion of the biodiversity zone, to showcase native indigenous plantings at the reserve, complementing the remnant SA Blue Gum forest currently in-situ

  • Establishment of a Kaurna place of reflection in the south-eastern corner of the reserve (possible site of cultural significance and respect);

  • Establish a cultural walk with interpretive Kaurna signage

  • Installation of Kaurna art to be incorporated with the nature play space, wetland and surrounds.

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