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  • Writer's pictureHenry Davis

Burnside Council Newsletter 12/10/2021


This month is National Safe Work Month and so it is fitting that Council in its deliberations paid particular attention to community safety throughout the debate. Consultation on the Brock Reserve Public Toilets and the revocation on the McKenna Street Reserve and the Yeronga Avenue Drainage Reserve have been made and we will now move into actively deciding on what to do with those projects. Policies such as the Records Management Policy have been updated and a move from Hazlewood Park to the Regal Theatre for the Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony has been voted on. Overall, we are on top of keeping our local community safe and thriving.

Listen to my contribution to the debate on the Brock Reserve: HERE!


Citizen of the Year Nominations

Nominations are now open for the Citizen of the Year Awards. There are four different categories, they are:

  • Citizen of the Year Award;

  • Young Citizen of Year Award;

  • Community Event of the Year Award; and

  • Award for Active Citizenship.

If you wish to nominate a person, an organisation or an event for one of these awards, outline how they have made an outstanding contribution to the local community and why they deserve it. There is a maximum of three supporting documents which can consist of any evidence you feel is necessary to prove your case. Nominations close at 5pm on the 24th of November. Nominate at

Kensington Gift 2021

On the 14th of November the South Australian Athletic League will be given the a Community Grant which will be a part of the sponsorship for the annual Kensington Gift 2021 event. Find out more information at Team App.

Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition

Children in Years 3 and 4 can help design the annual Burnside Christmas Card this year. The winning artist will receive a $100 gift voucher and a special credit in the Christmas Card itself. Even better the two runner ups will get a Regal Theatre Family voucher and a George Bolton Swimming Centre Burnside pass. Entries close on the 17th of November so ask for a competition entry form at the customer service desk, or enter online at

Community Grant

The Burnside Historical Society will receive a 2021/22 Community Grant. They will use this money to create and publish an annual journal to replace the quarterly newsletters. We will see these around our community centres so keep a look out and well done! The Historical Society website is

National Safe Work Month

This month of October is the National Safe Work Month which means that the Burnside Council executive team will join Council staff in various departments in gaining an deeper understanding of work safety. So if you see Council workers visiting danger spots around the community, know that that is us trying to make sure we know how to keep our community safe.

Bell Yett Reserve

Remember you can still give your input into the new master plan for the Bell Yett Reserve. We want the community to be a strong driver of this plan and therefore there is a working group that you can be involved in. Provide your feedback that is available until the 18th of October at


11.1 Subject: Brock Reserve Public Toilet Facility – Consultation Result

The Burnside Council has noted the results of the consultation of the community regarding the proposed public toilet facility in Brock Reserve and has approved its installation. The toilet block will cost some $200,000 to install and will be a modern electronic bathroom. This decision has come after consultation between the Mayor and Ward Councillors, a letter and survey posted to 76 properties, posters put around the Reserve and online engagement on the Burnside website. We received 22 responses from the survey and there was a 55% of responses stating their opposition and 45% in support. In this case I did vote against the community consultation on the basis that there was significant fear that the toilet block would attract anti-social behavior. We have experienced such anti-social behavior in other locations namely in Penfold Park and the installation of the modern electronic toilets have successfully eliminated that anti-social behavior. I am confident that concerns regarding anti-social behavior will not manifest itself and was therefore in favor of providing much needed facilities for residents and visitors.

11.2 Portions of McKenna Street Reserve and Yeronga Avenue Drainage Reserve – Further Information

We have begun consultation regarding the potential revocation of Community Land classification of portions of McKenna Street Reserve and Yeronga Avenue Drainage Reserve. This land runs behind a very small number of properties and is owned by council. A stormwater pipe runs underneath the land but could serve as a footpath to McKenna Reserve. There are presently encroachments onto this land. There was significant debate surrounding whether council should go to consultation, remove the encroachment or offer to sell or lease the land to those land owners adjacent to the strip of land. The council voted to proceed with consultation with the local community on the usefulness of the land and whether the encroachments should be removed.

11.3 Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony New Venue

There was a motion to move the Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony to the Regal Theatre. It is my view that the Australia Day celebrations which occur in Hazelwood Park are an enjoyable event and enriched by the beautiful setting of Hazelwood Park. I agree with many Burnside residents that for over 25 years, the Ceremony has been in Hazlewood Park and to move would eliminate a great tradition and I am glad to see that tradition continue.

11.4 Records Management Policy and Lost and Found Property Policy Updates

Burnside Council will adopt the revised Records Management Policy and the revised Lost and Found Property Policy. This decision has been made through consultation with the Leadership Team and relevant staff. All updates are welcome to ensure the Administration can undertake the business of the Council in the most effective manner. The changes to the Records Management Policy involve making the document more consistent and stating the council business should not be conducted with personal email addresses. Within the new Lost and Found Property Policy, dangerous items or substances are now explicitly required to be directly reported to SAPOL and now all Burnside employees are responsible for Lost and Found property.

13.1 Public Art Policy

Councillor Davey moved a motion to request that a report be brought to Council which includes a draft City of Burnside Public Art Policy, recommendation for funding, the establishment of a Reserve Fund, recommendations for acquiring Art Works, preserving exiting art, recognising Kaurna art, considering the capacity to support local art and how they can be incorporated into the capital project works.

The CEO replied that, ‘the City of Burnside appreciates the value public art makes to both the wellbeing and sense of place to its community. Council has been active in engaging Kaurna artists via key projects currently being delivered as well as developing a strong partnership with the Adelaide Central School of Art. Over the past couple of years, it has provided community funding towards public art programs, encouraged, and supported the ‘Style a Stobie Pole’ public art program and implemented natural public art items to encourage and foster environmental appreciation.’

We didn't get to this motion at this meeting however it was put on the next agenda to be debated then. We received a deputation from a resident on the value that Public Art gives to residents and businesses.

You can raise any other council issues with me by emailing me at:

Or find out what I have been working on by visiting my website:

That's all from me this week! If you have any queries or just want a chat, I will link all my social media down below. I hope everyone has a lovely week and I look forward to updating you all again very soon.

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