Agenda Summary
The Burnside Council Meeting on the 14th of September 2021 was an eventful one with some difficult decisions. There was six main agenda items that we discussed. We received three deputations from local residents and business owners on a proposed road closure. After many months we also finalised our Representation Review process and decided not to change anything, read my thoughts on it below.
11.1 Representation Review
The council has received 440 submissions from the community during the second public consultation stage of the Representation Review. The review was around how many Councillors we should have on council. Currently we have 12 Councillors with 2 representing 6 wards. We asked the community if we should increase or decrease the number. In my view, the lower the ratio of Councillors to residents, the better access you get. In Brisbane for example where they only have 1 council, each Councillor represents the same number of residents as a local State MP would represent, its a full time job, they have staff and they get paid accordingly.
As each council is required to complete a Representation Review every eight years. We had a very strong response from the community.
After an initial round of consultation on 8/9/10/11/12 councilors, the status quo option with the 12 Members and a Mayor of the Council was put to the community.
The answer seems to have been an overwhelming yes with 394 submissions in the affirmative which means as response 55 said, “if it ain’t broke – why fix it!”
11.2 Local Government Review
As part of the rollout for the new Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Act 2021 (Amendment Act), the Council has voted to inform the Local Government Association that the Council’s preferred countback method is the Preferred Candidate model.
Second, there will be a new code of conduct for elected members called the Behavioral Management Framework. I personally feel that we should have regional conduct panels and the penalties for bad behavior should be much higher. I feel at present that there is no teeth and the Ombudsman is the only mechanism we have to investigate these issues.
The Council’s preferred start date for the commencement of the Framework is the November 2022 Election.
11.3 Thornbury Street, Beulah Park Closure
This week the biggest issue brought before the Burnside council was the proposed closure of Thornbury Street and the related traffic solutions for the Portrush/Magill Rd intersection.
There were three deputations relating to the closure.
In order to control the traffic and to remove Thornbury Street’s speed humps, the Council voted to approve the closure and will request the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to undertake that work for the full closure as part of the Portrush Road/Magill Road intersection upgrade.
Residents directly engaged will be advised of this upgrade and the traffic will continue to be monitored with community engagement adding to the goal at keeping the residents safe.
My concern is that closing Oban Street and Thornbury Street will make the traffic conditions especially along Verdun Street. In my view, the primary reason for the congestion was the intersection on Beulah Road which does not allow for traffic to pass East/West across Portrush Road. Once Thornbury St is closed, I believe that it will show how the traffic on Oban St and Verdun St will increase creating more congestion. Ultimately, I think the problems in this area will be solved by allowing traffic to traverse Portrush Rd on Beulah St.
Therefore, in my mind this closure is but one step in a continuation of developments to create better traffic flow in the area, but I think the real solution is to open Beulah Road to East/West traffic.
11.4 Black Spot – Hallett/Greenhill Intersection
The Council voted to accept the grant funding from the 2021/22 Australian Government Black Spot Program for road safety works at the intersection of Greenhill Road and Hallett Road. (FYI the cost to install Traffic lights was something like 1-2Mil).
As all residents know, turning right from Hallett Rd onto Greenhill Rd is an absolute nightmare. 10,000 cars use this intersection each day and it is a dice with death as there are two lanes that can turn right at once onto a busy and dangerous road. If you are in the left hand lane turning right, you have to hope the car to your right judges it properly as you try to hide behind them as you match their speed. So whilst watching to see if the cars coming up from the Feathers roundabout are turning left into Hallett Rd or continuing up Greenhill, also watching the cars coming down the hill, a driver has to worry about a car right next to them also turning right and then avoiding the parked cars on the left side of Greenhill Rd. The Bus line will be used as a left turn option whilst the two lanes will become one, focusing those cars turning right and making it considerably safer.
11.5 Audit Committee
The Audit Committee at present has 3 elected members and 2 independent members. New changes to the Local Government Act require that there be a majority of elected members. I think this is a good change to the Act as I think Council would benefit from independent oversight, that change will come in later in the year.
11.6 Propel SA Directorship
A recommendation has been made that the council will appoint the Director Corporate and Development of the Board of Propel SA (EBEC) until the end of the term of this council. Propel SA was established to promote economic development in the Eastern Region. Propel offers mentoring, Networking Events, Business Advice to the small business community.
You can raise any other council issues with me by emailing me at:
Or find out what I have been working on by visiting my website:
Community Matters
2021/22 Community Grants
I send my congratulations to the Eastern Suburbs Camera Club as one of the recipients of the 2021/22 Community Grants. The Burnside Council often hosts Camera Club events and it is great that the club has a chance to buy a new projector.
Kensington Park Wood Carving
If you haven’t been to Kensington Park, I would suggest that you come and see the new playground carvings. There is a beautiful new carving into a thick tree trunk carved by Artist Tim Baulderstone that is a wonderful addition to the playground at Kensington Park. I encourage everyone to come by and take a look especially local parents and their kids. Additionally, have a look at the wooden platypus by ACA Studios, as you can see we have a very friendly relationship.
Propel SA Networking Event I want to send out a reminder that this Thursday, Propel SA is hosting a Networking Drinks event. This is a great opportunity for our local business owners to meet and connect with their peers. It is important that the City of Burnside have a tight knit community and so events like this are essential, please come along if you can.
Date: Thursday 16 September
Time: 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm
Location: The Wellington Hotel, 36 Wellington Square, North Adelaide
Cost: Free for members, $35 for non-members
Regal Theatre Music Event
This Saturday the 18th of September at 8:00pm, the Foenander Brothers are at the Regal Theatre with the 17 piece Adelaide Big Band. The Foenander Brothers, Mike and Steve, will be singing classic hits from the 1950s and 60s and take us all back to a simpler more sophisticated time. I encourage all music lovers to give this event a gander.
Quick Response Grant
I congratulate Theo McWhinnie-Wong on his opportunity to represent Burnside in the Adelaide Marlins Charter Baseball at the Australian Little League Championships in Lismore, New South Wales in June of next year. Mr McWhinnie-Wong is a recipient of the Burnside Council Quick Response Grant which will provide him with around $3000 allowing him to play at this national level. WELL DONE THEO!
SA Mosaics Exhibition
A little reminder to residents of Burnside that the Bold and Beautiful exhibition by the SA Mosaics will close on Friday the 24th of September. The exhibition is by SA Mosaics and they were a recipient of a Community Grant for 2021/22 that covered the venue hire fee for the exhibition. Don’t wait too long and miss out!
Your Neighborhood Budget
The ‘Your Neighborhood Budget’ project’s aim is to show how a verge can have mostly native attractive species of plants that can benefit the environment. The latest addition to local verges is a new verge garden beside Conyngham Street at the Shed. Please come along and have a look at how we can make Burnside City the most beautiful region in Adelaide.
To find out more, visit
That's all from me this week! If you have any queries or just want a chat, I will link all my social media down below. I hope everyone has a lovely week and I look forward to updating you all again very soon.