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Let’s Work Together

Share some of your thoughts with me on the City of Adelaide.

How important is protecting the Park Lands to you?

ParklandsNot ConcernedA Little ConcernedNeutralConcernedVery ConcernedParklands

2. How would you rate traffic congestion in the city?

TrafficBusyA Little CongestedOKGoodFantasticTraffic

3. How important is heritage preservation to you?

HeritageNot ImportantA Little ImportantNeutralImportantVery ImportantHeritage

4. How would you rate the city's cleanliness?

CleanlinessVery DirtyDirtyNeutralCleanVery CleanCleanliness

5. If you could change or improve anything in Adelaide City, what would it be?

Thanks for sharing your time and thoughts on the City of Adelaide!

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